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  • Writer's pictureCoach Scott

You might be an Ops Nerd if... v2

If you like to maximize revenue, save money, and make work a better place, then you might be an Operations Nerd. 🤣

In the spirit of Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a Redneck" jokes, the items below were inspired by the people that I have lived and worked with. So, if you see yourself in here, well ... maybe it's you! Or really, maybe it's me! #ProcessNerd


If you think it takes too long to cook food in the microwave...

If your spouse asked you to clean the garage and you asked for an operational definition of "clean"...

If you developed a detailed project plan and budget for your wedding AND actually thought your bride would follow it...

If after eating at Taco Bell, you debate if your output is discrete or continuous...

If you wash your hands twice with 99.9% antibacterial soap so you can achieve less than 3.4 bacteria per million...

... you might be an operations nerd. 😊


Feel free to contribute any additional ideas by commenting below.

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